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There are 4 main medals you can get for completing a track - Bronze Medal, Silver Medal, Gold Medal, Author Medal (listed from slowest to fastest time). The faster time you get, the better medal you get. Here is an example of medal times in the campaign track A01-Race:
Players can set custom medal times, or objectives, in the track editor after validating their track, as long as it is slower than the Author Time. The validation time becomes the Author Time. As such, some players may choose to “hunt” their author times as a challenge for others.
In the game TrackMania Turbo, the Trackmaster medal effectively takes the place of the Author Medal. There is also an additional Super series of medals, again from Super Bronze to Super Trackmaster (abbreviated as STM) which are extremely challenging goal times set by the community on behalf of Nadeo.
In TM2020 there is a mod called Openplanet, which with a plugin can display custom medals - most notably the Champion Medal, as well as the Warrior Medal.